Health News - Sherpa Rocket Tea
What If a Cure To Obesity Was Sitting In The Heart Of The Himalayas And No One Ever Heard About It?

The whole Western world (with the US infamously leading the way) suffers from a true pandemic…obesity. Research estimates that presently two out of every three American adults falls into either the overweight or obese category. .

As a matter of fact, my wife’s post-pregnancy obesity has turned our lives into a living nightmare, sending us down a decade-long journey of desperately trying every possible solution under the sun. Diets, workout plans, supplements, consultations with dietitians…you name it. All these futile attempts slowly led my wife to depression and shame…

The all-natural “Himalayan Sherpa Rocket Tea”

Who would have thought that my unexpected work trip to Nepal, known as the heart of the Himalayas, would make me accidentally discover the answer to a nightmare that had ruined our quality of life for years? .

About two years ago, as part of my employment as a bridge engineer, my company asked me to travel to work on a demanding construction project in Nepal. Initially I was worried about leaving my wife, but she was the one who ultimately convinced me to go. .

One evening after a particularly long and grueling work day I was having dinner with one of the local Nepali workers named Kiran. Kiran told me about a “secret” tea that helps Sherpas (local mountain guides) climb all the way to the top of Mount Everest while carrying equipment and supplies more than twice their weight. But this wasn’t what shocked me most. 

The unexpected breakthrough

He also casually revealed that thanks to this tea, people in Nepal stay fit in spite of eating lots of heavy, fat-rich foods typical in Nepal. .

When I learned that Nepal has one of the lowest obesity rates in the world (according to Wikipedia, it ranks 187 out of 191 listed countries), things started to come together in my mind. .

I immediately knew I was onto something huge in Nepal, and I couldn’t wait to share my new discovery with my wife.


When things start to make sense…

Watching my wife fight so hard for her dream body, I knew that eating healthy and exercising were important, but that the answer must lie deeper than simply lifestyle changes. I just hadn’t known where the answer was. .

Fast forward a few months, after drinking liters of tea and spending hundreds of hours researching the science behind the ingredients in the recipe that Kiran kindly shared with me…I could hardly believe what I saw. .

The unique combination of ingredients in the Sherpa tea quickly put my wife’s metabolism into overdrive and let her burn off 74 pounds of unwelcome body fat from all over her body in just over two months! 

What the modern weight loss industry doesn’t want you to know

You see, in spite of what big weight loss conglomerates and gurus want us to believe, the secret to physical fitness doesn’t lie in starving or torturing our bodies at the gym. .

The answer is simply a more efficient cellular metabolism which is actually controlled by our mitochondria. .

Since what I discovered is too complex to describe here, I created this video where I explain the exact details of my discovery, and how I’ve made it available to everyone. .

Click the link below to hear the full story.


  1. My wife has been having issues losing weight over the past year. She’s been feeling really unmotivated and upset and hasn’t been able to go to the gym lately. I felt bad and didn’t know what to do. Thanks for sharing your story! We’ll be looking into this product, hopefully, it can help us both lose some weight.

  2. Thanks for sharing this weight loss story! I’m looking forward to seeing your video on your wife’s weight loss. Maybe it will help inspire me to lose weight too!

  3. Thank you for the blog post, it was very interesting! It’s been hard trying to stay healthy during the pandemic. I don’t want to do anything lately. But reading your story about your wife makes me feel a little more hopeful. I know I’m not the only one struggling with my weight. I haven’t tried dietary supplements before, but I might give Reignite a try.

  4. I really liked reading your story, and I’m sure your wife is grateful that you found this supplement for her. Wishing you two all the best! Thanks for being such an inspiration!

  5. I don’t usually read blogs but I happened to find your post, and I’m glad I read it all the way through. Weight loss isn’t easy but I’ll try out Reignite. Maybe it can help me too.

  6. I started trying to lose weight since I’ve been stuck inside. I’m down almost thirty pounds with diet and exercise but I still want to lose another twenty! I can’t seem to get past the thirty pounds mark though. I hope that Reignite can help me. I don’t normally take supplements, but I want to lose more weight and get healthier. Thanks for your advice!

  7. You had a lot of great information in this post. Thanks for sharing your story and recommending this product! I can’t wait to try this product out myself.

  8. You two are an inspiration, really glad I took the time to read through your post. I’ll be looking into Reignite too.

  9. Happy for you guys. I haven’t been able to lose weight on my own either. It’s really tough trying to keep weight off even when I’m exercising and eating well.

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